Tuesday, 4 May 2010

DEAG April meeting

A quiet evening in darkest Essex last Thursday, only six in attendance including our host. Davis S was carrying out some repairs to his Assoc. 08 kit, soldered joints not hot enough perhaps, but it is a fiddly job. Hopefully more on that in due course David?

Nigel was also working on a loco, fettling a class 25 which ran much better later in the evening. Phil spent the evening track making, soldered, not this Easitrac stuff!

David E was batch wagon building for his layouts.

Talking of Marks Quay, as mentioned in my previous post, I had lost power to part of the dual gauge track at the front of the layout. Rather than dig a hole in the quay I have added a feed to the end of the dead rail, and taken the narrow gauge out of commission for now. At least trains can run on all the standard gauge track! Running the loco during the evening ended with a strange noise and no movement. On dismantling the loco I discovered grit in the gear teeth, which had been picked up from the quay surface between the tracks. I have used a concrete paint which contains texture (grit) for the quay surface but due to the lack of clearance under the loco it is causing problems. I'll think about this and post again soon.

Don't forget that if you live in Essex or Suffolk do consider coming to the group, our next meeting date is shown in the panel to the right.

Peter Whitehead

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